Thursday, 4 February 2016

Question 6: What have you learnt about new technologies from the process of constructing this product?

Question 7: Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to full product?

Question 4: Who would be the audience for your media product?

All types of media products mould their decisions on content and design in order to suit their desired audience. In order to do this, demographics and VALs (psychographics) are used to determine who their audience is and gain as much knowledge of them as possible and therefore are able to shape their products content and design in order to suit their audience (i.e. if it is shown that a magazine is starting to attract an older audience they may start to write their articles in a more formal style).

I used demographics and VALs (psychographics) to produce a readership profile similar to NME as part of planning, so that way I could also understand my target audience.

What a demographic is:

What a VAL is:


The majority of my audience is female and are between the young adult to adult category, and they fall into the Strivers and Innovators category.